Tuesday, January 18, 2011


When will I ever again need to know the restrictions of tangent in a graph? Or when will I ever have to know that Phosphate has a charge of negative three? Well, I know the answer to this one....it's never. I plan to go to art school, major in Studio Art, or Painting, or Drawing, or SOMETHING, but I do not see myself using these asinine facts in the foreseeable future. I am aware that we need this education to become a well-rounded person who can have intelligible conversations an interact with knowledgeable people....but when was the last time you and your friend had a conversation about calculating the rotational speed at a latitude of 76.45 degrees north? If you encounter this...please videotape it...and I will actually give you a hundred dollars. This is actually "redonk." That's it for today....I have to get back to memorizing trig functions. Oh right...those trig-functions...comes up all the time.
"What did you have for dinner last night?"
"Pasta. You?"
"Oh, I had salad with a side of 1+sin^2x=cos^2x"
"Oh yes. Yummmm"


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